Glasgow: 0141 404 1334 ~ Edinburgh: 0131 357 5334 ~ Inverclyde: 01475 672 001 ~ North Lanarkshire: 01236 809 111 ~ Central Lanarkshire: 01698 674 499 ~ South Ayrshire: 01292 433 999

With Indigo Square it’s always personal

Our News

New Restrictions and the Housing Market Jan 2021

JANUARY 4TH 2021Following the govt announcement at 2pm today (Monday 4th January) our offices will remain closed to the public with staff working remotely.With regards to what is allowed we note that the guidance permits, Section 18 (k) of The Health Protection...

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W/C 6th April Covid-19 Update for Landlords

The following update has been sent through to us by the Scottish Association of Landlords.  It is times like this when good trade bodies are invaluable with their updates and we would urge all landlords to join and sign up for this type of information;   The SAL...

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1st April Covid-19 Scottish Housing Updates

Matters are moving quickly with updates and announcements of new policies and government schemes and it can be difficult to keep across everything that's going on.  Consequently we thought it may help to pull some of the detail together in one piece as we enter a new...

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Connect with Indigo Square

Make sure your letting agent or factor is properly registered with the Scottish Government and a member of ARLA

Letting: Indigo Square are members of the Council of Letting Agents (CLA) and ARLA. We are also a Registered Letting Agent with the Scottish Government
Registration Number LARN1903041

Factoring: Brian Gilmour an Affiliate of the Institute of Residential Property Management (IRPM) and the company is registered with the Scottish Government
Registration Number PF000843

Scottish Government Letting Code of Practice - DOWNLOAD PDF HERE