Rent or Own?

Rent or Own?

One of the topics on last weeks BBC Radio Scotland property surgery was whether owning or renting in Scotland was the best option.  We asked our Brian Gilmour to expand on his radio chat and give us his opinion on what was best for you. Until the start of the 1970’s...
Radio Scotland Property Surgery 22nd August

Radio Scotland Property Surgery 22nd August

On Tuesday 22nd August our Mr Brian Gilmour was once again on air at Radio Scotland with his fortnightly property workshop.  The slot is between 10am and 11am every second Tuesday on Call Kaye on BBC Radio Scotland.  You can catch it on iplayer but if you missed it,...
8th August Property Surgery on BBC Radio Scotland

8th August Property Surgery on BBC Radio Scotland

This week Louise Whiteford stood in for Kaye Adams on Radio scotland and hosted Brian Gilmour’s fortnightly property surgery.  There were plenty of property issues in the news and callers and texters with their specific issues.  Here’s the show from...
Property Advice on The Call Kaye Show

Property Advice on The Call Kaye Show

Our Brian Gilmour had his fortnightly surgery on the BBC Radio Scotland Call Kaye show.  Stephen Jardine was sitting in for Kaye and holiday rentals were discussed.  There was also a return of Katriona from Aberdeen whom, 4 weeks ago, Brian had broken the news to that...
The Health of The Market?

The Health of The Market?

House Prices in the year to May rose 3.5% to £143,000 in Scotland.  These figures coincided with a report by PWC on the health of the UK housing market where Richard Snook, the PWC senior economist said: “The figures are in line with our expectations that growth...