BBC Property Surgery 19th September 2017

BBC Property Surgery 19th September 2017

Kaye:                       It’s really beautiful here in Glasgow, nicest day I’ve seen for a while, and that is why I am still employing my no socks policy. Yes, Brian Gilmour looking to see that no socks Brian, have you got socks on Brian, let me have a...
BBC Radio Scotland Property Surgery 5th September

BBC Radio Scotland Property Surgery 5th September

Once again our Brian Gilmour was on the call Kaye programme on BBC Radio Scotland to take calls on all things property.  Here’s the show; Kaye:                         Very shortly. But a quick word with Brian Gilmour, our property expert first, just to tease up...
Is Rental The New Tenure of Choice For The Retired?

Is Rental The New Tenure of Choice For The Retired?

Leading Scottish Property advisors Indigo Square Property Ltd have been reviewing the findings of a recent report that indicated that renting appears to be a new trend amongst pensioners. According to the report the past decade has seen an increased number of retired...
How Do I Avoid a Bad Landlord?

How Do I Avoid a Bad Landlord?

Yesterday we posed the question asked by many landlords – how do I avoid a bad tenant?  How do I minimise the risk of a tenant moving in and not paying rent or damaging the property?  We went through all the benefits of using an agent and how tenants are just...
How Do I Avoid A Bad Tenant

How Do I Avoid A Bad Tenant

It’s a regular question from new and potential landlords – I want to rent property as part of my long term investment planning but what if I get a bad tenant?  How can I avoid someone coming in and making a mess or not paying rent? Tenants are part of...