BBC Property Surgery 3rd October 2017

BBC Property Surgery 3rd October 2017

This week once again our Brian Gilmour appeared on his usual slot on BBC Radio Scotland to discuss the Scottish Property market.  The callers and texters were varied as usual but the discussion with Kaye started with a review of the potential interest rate rise....
Rent Controls Coming To Scotland?

Rent Controls Coming To Scotland?

At the Labour Party conference last week Jeremy Corbyn discussed the introduction of rent controls. It used to be that rents were set locally by council-employed rent officers, who would visit, assess the property’s rental worth however currently rents are...
House Prices in Scotland Continue Slow Rise

House Prices in Scotland Continue Slow Rise

The Registers of Scotland recently released their 10-year review of house prices in Scotland covering the period since the crash. At the same time they released the September price review that covered figures for the year ending July 2017.   The main headlines...
The Risk Of A Rate Rise

The Risk Of A Rate Rise

The Governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, has suggested interest rates on borrowing could go up as early as November. The last time rates were raised was July 2007. Since then interest rates have been kept low in order to boost the economy by keeping cost of...
Castles and Selling For £1

Castles and Selling For £1

This week in Scotland an auction company will be selling a home in Kilmarnock with a starting price of just £1. This semi-detached house has has collapsed ceilings and damaged staircase and will be auctioned on the 4th October. At the other end of the “dream home”...