Why We Need A Strong Rental Sector

Why We Need A Strong Rental Sector

The housing aspirations of first time buyers have been seen as crucial for the overall health of the housing market, particularly as the household formation rates of first time buyers and to a certain extent tenure choices can be linked to housing costs. First time...
BBC Property Surgery 14th November 2017

BBC Property Surgery 14th November 2017

Once again our Brian Gilmour appeared on the BBC Radio Scotland Kaye Adams Programme to answer all your property questions.  Here’s the transcript of the show; Kaye:                                          Yes, this is Kaye Adams here with you on BBC Radio...
Is There A Property Black Friday?

Is There A Property Black Friday?

This Friday will once again see the USA phenomenon of Black Friday hit our stores with many already pre-empting the day with Black Friday deals all this week. Black Friday is an informal name for the day following Thanksgiving in America (the fourth Thursday of...
Sniffing out a buyer – Can a smell affect the sell?

Sniffing out a buyer – Can a smell affect the sell?

Retailers and hoteliers have exploited our sense of smell for years and even cinemas have tried (unsuccessfully) to introduce smell-o-vision. Traditionally people selling houses have tried baking bread or making coffee to make the home more appealing but does this...
What’s The Housing Market Doing?

What’s The Housing Market Doing?

The latest study shows that confidence seems to be low but people are optimistic. If ever there was a case of needing to cut through the statistics to the real story the latest piece of research into the property market by The Halifax illustrates the dangers of...