100 Years of Council Housing

100 Years of Council Housing

The 31st of July marked the 100 anniversary of the instigation of the creation of council housing in the UK. The Housing, Town Planning Act 1919 was an act of parliament and is commonly referred to as the Addison Act named after the Minister of Health, Dr. Christopher...
One Third of Scots Now Living Alone

One Third of Scots Now Living Alone

Recent statistics, reported by the BBC, confirm that more Scots than ever before are living on their own.  There are approximately 2.5million households in Scotland and there are now more than a third of these households filled by single occupants, that is 885,000...
The Scottish Housing Market and Brexit

The Scottish Housing Market and Brexit

If you’ve been paying attention to the property press in the past month, you may have noticed the reports that Edinburgh and Falkirk have the fastest moving property markets in Britain.  Homes listed for sale in these areas take an average of just 27 days to go...
When Rowdy Becomes Anti-Social…What To Do?

When Rowdy Becomes Anti-Social…What To Do?

One of the things that we come across as a Factor and Letting Agents is anti-social behaviour, either people on the receiving end or people accusing our clients.  It can be a very delicate issue to deal with.  As a letting agent we must be aware of our landlords...