The Scottish Government has now revealed details and eligibility criteria for its PRS Landlord (non-business) Covid19 Loan Support scheme.
The government had been lobied to provide Grants for affected landlords and although this is a repayable loan and not the grant it is better than than our anything achieved for English landlord colleagues who have no specific government assistance and can only rely upon the usual Covid19 Business loans if they qualify and can draw them down. Perhaps the most disaapointing aspect of the scheme is that it is only open to those landlords with five or fewer properties, a restriction that sounds even more ludicrous when you consider that landlords can only apply to one property within their portfolio, wven where they have more than one property suffering from Covid related losses.
More Information on the announcement of the scheme can be found here and the govt have an FAQ page HERE and applications for the scheme can be found HERE
In other business support news, the second phase of coronavirus support for small Scottish businesses, which extends grant support to all subsequent eligible properties, is now open for applications. For any business based in Glasgow this may be frustrating news based on how few of the first phase of Grants that council has been able to process however if you are eligable, the support should, eventually, flow through. For more information on the the second phase of support please click HERE
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